Longtime SMCLC adviser Doris Sosin has passed away. From our formation as a community activist group in 2005 Doris was a trusted adviser and friend. She had deep roots in the community and helped us grow. She was a force and we will miss her verve, her kindness, and her dedication and love of Santa Monica.

Doris Sosin was a highly respected, long-time community activist whose tenacity and spirit led her to found the North of Montana Neighborhood Association (NOMA), which was focused on protecting the original character, charm, and neighborhood feel of Santa Monica.
In 2002 Doris co-founded the Santa Monica Conservancy after working with other preservationists who successfully protected Santa Monica’s important Landmark Ordinance that contributes to making Santa Monica the beautiful and unique place it is.
Doris understood the importance of preserving and increasing our City’s tree canopy as well as residents’ need for more public open space and parks, serving on the City’s Urban Forest Task Force and the Recreation and Parks Commission.
Doris was a founding member of the Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City and remained a valued adviser until her death. She supported its goals for reasonable development and transparent government decision-making.
For many years her home served as a salon for community-minded Santa Monicans to gather and reflect on how to make the City better and she hosted and befriended people with different views to find common ground.
Doris was a force! She will be remembered and sorely missed.