November 2, 2016
SMCLC Urges Your Vote for Measures LV, SM, Tony Vazquez and Armen Melkonians
SMCLC recommends:
Vote YES on Measure LV (the LUVE Initiative). LV is on the ballot for simple reasons. Residents are fed up with traffic and congestion getting worse every year. We are fed up with the millions of square feet of new development projects in the pipeline overwhelming our planning department, and with a planning process that gives lip service to residents’ reasonable concerns.
It’s gotten so bad that a couple of months ago City Hall was forced to admit that traffic has “never” been this bad. This represents a major failure that should require a thorough re-evaluation and significant changes.
Instead, the City proposes to continue more of the same — or worse. That’s why developers have put well over $1 million dollars (and growing) into funding opposition to LV, as LV would seriously slow down the gravy train.
Developers like the City’s more-of-the-same approach. SMCLC doesn't because it will accelerate our worsening gridlock and degrade the livability of our city. If you agree, we urge you to vote YES on Measure LV.
Vote YES on Measure SM (the Oaks Initiative). SM will strengthen Santa Monica’s anti-corruption law, the Oaks Initiative, that residents put on the ballot and passed 16 years ago. Oaks prohibits public officials from conferring a benefit on a developer or contractor and then accepting a campaign contribution or job from them.
Measure SM increases those who will be covered by Oaks prohibitions and takes enforcement away from the City Attorney who has never enforced it. It also forces developers and contractors to reveal who is behind their shell companies. Supporters of SM include SMCLC, The Transparency Project and Common Cause. A strong YES vote will increase the chances that the City will finally enforce Oaks.
Vote for Mayor Tony Vazquez for Re-Election. Tony brings an independent voice and common sense to the Council. He is a much needed advocate for diversity and has courageously taken on entrenched interests.
Vote for Armen Melkonians for City Council. Armen is the co-author of Measure LV. He would bring fresh ideas to the Council deliberations, representing a residents’ perspective on development.
Please vote!